"Huh. How many years since I last wrote on that blog!"
This is where I shall be as I think about reviving the long neglected blog! This is where the new journey continues!
The truth is, just like every other journey I take, something drew me off course!
And, it being Lent, there is a lot that reminds us of journey. Today I sat in a meeting that was about planning next September's "Peace Pilgrim" Celebration in Egg Harbor City.
For those who don't know her story. The "Peace Pilgrim" basically spent the last 20 years of her life wandering about America, and some other countries, too. She vowed to walk until all wars were ended. She never planned where she would stay, or where her meals would come. She traveled with the clothes on her back, a toothbrush and a comb. She preached the peace of the inner light...that larger, world peace could only be achieved when we found the peace within. So lovely. So simple. So brave.
I sat, a by-stander of sorts, in awe, thinking about what it would be like to just decide that the rest of my days would be spent walking for peace....in the name of peace.....with only God to guide and provide.....just as "Peace" did. Never worrying about gutter replacement, cracked foundations, uncharged laptops, what the neighbors think. Just walking and meeting people. Amazing. I guess if it still feels scary or crazy, then the time is not right.
I totally respect her....and at the same time it seems so unreal...and makes me check if "Forrest Gump" is on Netfix!
Even if we don't sell everything, and just begin walking and preaching the inner light, how is our journey one of freedom and trust in God. How can we simplify it so that the rest of our "journey" can be the kind where we can notice the flowers, the sky, the changing seasons? That all we "carry" with us is the very minimum? That we trust God for ALL the rest?
Maybe before we set out on the highways and byways, we try this for just a day. Hmmmmm. Life is like a box of chocolates.......
www.peacepilgrim.com is where to find out more about "Peace"! she was an interesting and inspired individual.
Walk on, friends!!!
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